My name is Adam Cope. I am a commercial pilot ASEL, AMEL, I. Certified Flight
Instructor and Advanced Ground Instructor. But most of all, I love flying and teaching aerobatics.
Total time 3000+
as instructor 2300+
Aerobatic instruction time 2000+
I started
flying in 1989 and flight instructing in 1993. Flying straight and level all the time got a little boring, so
I took some aerobatic lessons. It didn't take long before addiction set in. Since then I've logged more
hours upside down then upright.
I've been
very fortunate to be able to log dual with some of the best aerobatic pilots around. I've flown many aerobatic aircraft
including the Su-29, extra 300 and 200, Pitts s2a s2b and s2c, cap 10b, T-6. I wish I could afford them all.
Through competitions
and air shows, I've been able to meet some of the most incredible people in the world. There really is a great
group of people in the aerobatic community. There is always room for more.
I'm a firm
believer in aerobatic training for every pilot. It gives people a better understanding of how aircraft fly and perform.
It builds confidence like no other training can. Most of all, it’s just plain fun.
I strive to put
fun in aviation. I want everyone who comes through my hangar to smile. After all, what could be better than flying?
(Other than flying upside down)
Contest Results:
I have placed in the top three
in numerous aerobatic contests since 1995.
Here are the latest:
2007 North East Regional Championship
Series – First place
2008 Carolina Boogie – Third
place Sportsman
2008 PA Aerobatic Championships
– First place Intermediate
2008 Wildwood Acroblast –
Second place Intermediate
2009 Carolina Boogie - Second place
2009 Wildwood Acroblast - First
place Intermediate
2009 North East Regional Championship
Series - Third Place
2010 Carolina Boogie - First Place
2010 Wildwood Acroblast –
Second place Intermediate
2010 Flying W - Kathy Jaffe Challenge
- Second Place Advanced
2011 North East Regional Champ.
Series - Second Place Advanced
2011 Wildwood acro blast - Advanced
2nd place
2011 East Coast Aerobatic Contest
- 2nd Advanced
I can teach you how to beat all those high power aerobatic monsters in the Super Decathlon.