I like to talk to people, find out their goals, and work up
a plan from that. I have developed two courses that work great for most people. These are just guidelines and
we will work together to find what best fits your needs. Spin flights and aerobatic introductory flights are available as
Three Hour Upset Training
This course is designed with emphasis on getting the aircraft
out of extreme unusual attitudes. It covers rolls and loops to get the body use to the sensations associated with this
type of flight. Then we concentrate on 1/2 rolls from inverted back to level. We use cuban 8's to demonstrate
how to get from inverted to upright flight with varying airspeeds and attitudes.
Next we do spins. I like to emphasize the actions it
takes to get an aircraft into a spin. I teach prevention through use of rudders and it is this prevention that is of
the most importance. If we can recognize and stop the onset of the spin then we are safe.
After completing this course, you will feel more confident
and have a better understanding of how aircraft fly and stall.
Flight Lesson 1 Stalls, slow flight, introduction to loops and rolls
Flight Lesson 2 Rolls, loops, Half cuban 8s, inverted stalls
Ground Lesson Stalls, spins, and recovery
Flight Lesson 3 Falling leaf, Spins, Cross control stalls, Slipping and Skidding stalls.
Five hour Basic Aerobatics Training
This course is designed to cover recreational aerobatics
with competition standards in mind. The goal is to give the pilot a good aerobatic foundation to build on if they choose
to go farther. It also builds confidence that carries over into all aspects of your flying. We are not looking
for perfection in this five hours. I just want you to feel safe and have a good understanding of what the standards
are for flying these maneuvers in a competition setting.
Flight Lesson 1 Aileron rolls, Primary rolls, and Loops
Flight Lesson 2 Slow rolls, Rolls to inverted, Inverted flight, loops
Flight Lesson 3 Cuban 8's, Half loop to inverted, Inverted stalls, Immelmann
Ground Lesson
Stalls, spins, and recovery
Flight Lesson 4 Spins, Cross control stalls, Slipping and skidding stalls
Flight Lesson 5 Immelmann, Hammerhead turn, Split s
just spin an aircraft once left and once right and call it an endorsement. There
is much more to the spin and how it develops. This spin flight will give you
a much better understanding of what makes an aircraft spin and what it takes to make it recover. In this flight we will cover, the falling leaf, incipient spins and fully developed spins, stalls while
slipping and stalls while skidding. We will debunk the myth that it is a cross
control stall that causes a spin and really get to the truth.
This is a great confidence builder for any pilot as it will turn the spin from the big scary monster under the
bed into something that is understood and embraced.
Flying Lemur Inc. * Potomac Airfield * 10300 Glen Way * Fort Washington, MD * 20744
* 703-623-9445
aerobatic training, aerobatics, aerobatic instruction, aerobatic
training, virginia, maryland, washington dc, aerobatic flight, emergency upset training, spin training, cfi spin endorsement,
spin instruction, aerobatic competition, aerobatic contest, aerobatic champion, stunt flying, airshow, Adam Cope.